Our priority themes
The Sciencewise priority themes were updated in January 2022
We develop projects in policy areas that are of strategic importance for UK Research and Innovation, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and wider government.
In updating the Sciencewise priority themes we have drawn from key government and research council priorities (including the Innovation Strategy), and the latest research and innovation trends. Then we identified the social and ethical issues associated with those themes. Looking at the themes and issues in the round allowed us to see where public dialogue could be most impactful to policy-makers.
The updated priority themes are also framed in a way that speaks to some of the most fundamental questions facing science and society today.
Our priority themes and fundamental questions
Climate and Environment
Data, AI and Robotics
Health, Ageing and Wellbeing
Life Sciences and Biotechnology
How do we live more sustainably?
How do we shape our digital world?
How should we live healthily?
How do we shape the future of life?
The themes are designed to be broad enough to support researchers and policy makers who want to listen to and act on diverse views in shaping research and innovation priorities.
By listening carefully to the public’s concerns and aspirations, researchers and policy makers can develop strategies to drive the development of science and technology that meet public aspirations and address public concerns.
Sciencewise supports the delivery of socially responsible policy. It does this by helping policy makers to develop deliberative dialogue projects that investigate the public’s views on new and emerging areas of science and technology – from upstream research through to policy options relating to the priority theme areas.
We also organise roundtable discussions with researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders working at the cutting edge of our priority themes. These help identify specific policy areas that will benefit from public dialogue as well as the specific topics on which public views will matter.
If you are a policy maker or researcher with an interest in our priority themes – or there are other areas of science and technology you think would benefit from public dialogue – get in touch with us at [email protected].
Find out more about our projects under these priority themes