Opportunities for public dialogue in a time of Covid-19 and beyond: A Sciencewise webinar exploring possibilities and challenges

Update: this webinar has now happened, but we will be hosting similar events in the near future. To keep up to date with future webinars please email [email protected] or follow @Sciencewise on Twitter.

Covid-19 presents policy makers with decisions to take in the midst of uncertainty. Some are directly related to the pandemic; elsewhere the pandemic’s ramifications have necessitated the revision of existing plans or creation of new ones. Policy decisions that do not take public voices into account are inherently more risky and difficult to implement. 

Sciencewise is running a webinar as an opportunity for senior policy makers and research councils to hear and explore: 

  • How the current situation makes public dialogue crucial to developing policies and plans; 
  • How to plan for public dialogue during a pandemic and what options are available for taking public dialogue online; 
  • How Sciencewise can support government departments/ Research Council’s in thinking through the role of, and how to carry out public dialogue, including match funding. 

Short presentations will be followed by a Q&A opportunity.  In addition there will be optional bookable time to explore particular topics individually straight afterwards or at a time of your convenience. 

To register for a place at this webinar please complete this form or contact Sciencewise at [email protected]

Hosted by: 

Patrick Middleton, Deputy Director, Communications and Engagement, UKRI  


Simon Burall, Programme Director, Sciencewise

Diane Beddoes, Senior Dialogue & Engagement Specialist, Lead Evaluator, Sciencewise

Date: 1st July, 2020 

Time:  10:30-11:15 followed by optional one to one consultation slots.
