Project Description
Future Flight Public Dialogue 2
Project Summary
Building on the previous Sciencewise supported Future Flight Challenge mini dialogue UKRI has commissioned a second stage of in depth deliberative public dialogue exploring the implications for people and society of the Future Flight Challenge.
A key consideration arising from the initial mini-dialogue in 2022 was around how the UK might best integrate these new electric or hydrogen powered aviation technologies within a wider multi-modal future transport system in a way that is both inclusive, equitable and accessible to all. Therefore, this full-scale deliberative dialogue focuses on informing the most socially desirable pathways towards integration of these new technologies in the coming decades, in such a way that maximises the potential for communities across the UK.
This includes exploring future regulatory/policy frameworks for these new technologies at a national, regional, and local level, in order to inform the development of cross governmental departments and local/regional government decision making. These frameworks may relate to airspace/ground infrastructure, safety and security, potential uses/service provision, local/regional decision-making processes, and inclusion, accessibility and equity.
50 public participants drawn from across the UK deliberated in six online sessions culminating in a face-to-face summit, run by Thinks Insight & Strategy and evaluated by Graphic Science.
The dialogue’s findings are expected to feed into ongoing engagement with policy stakeholders at local, regional, and national level and relevant regulatory bodies and stakeholders, cross-sector industry partners or public service bodies.
See the dialogue report here.
Take a look at this video to see the dialogue in action: