Good Home Inquiry 2022-02-18T15:24:25+00:00

Project Description

Project summary

Over 4 million homes in the UK are in such poor condition that they threaten the health of their occupants, and over half of those occupants are over 55 years  old. The Good Home Inquiry, chaired by David Orr CBE and commissioned by the Centre for Ageing Better, has been set up to understand why so many people live in
poor-quality homes, and how the situation can be improved.

As part of the Inquiry, the Centre for Ageing Better and UK Research and Innovation’s Sciencewise programme commissioned BritainThinks to deliver the Good Home Dialogue, a research project which asked people living in poor-quality homes what they thought would help. The dialogue brought together members of the public living in poor quality homes with experts and policy makers to work together to test and refine possible solutions suggested by the Good Home Inquiry. These findings will inform the eventual recommendations of the Inquiry on how to improve the quality of England’s homes.