Project Description
Project summary
The NHS AI Lab, with the support of Sciencewise, has commissioned a public dialogue that will explore new approaches to data stewardship for artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. The dialogue will be delivered by a consortium, led by Ipsos in collaboration with Imperial College Health Partners and the Open Data Institute (ODI).
This public dialogue is the first step in trialling a bottom-up approach to deciding priorities for investment that can further the Lab’s aim to strengthen the ethical assurance of AI-driven technologies in health and care. The participants in the dialogue will ultimately hone the remit of a research competition that the AI Ethics Initiative will hold in 2022 to improve data stewardship approaches in the NHS AI Lab and more broadly in the NHS. They will do this by informing the competition’s Terms of Reference (to be developed by the AI Ethics Initiative), which will include the aims, areas of focus and questions of interest.
There will be an Oversight Group, chaired by Natalie Banner from Genomics England. For a full list of Oversight Group members and information about the dialogue, please see the AI Ethics Initiative website.