Project Description
Project summary
In 2008 the new economics foundation launched its ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’. The ‘Five Ways’ are: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, and Give.
Between November 2010 and September 2011 the Department of Health with the support of Sciencewise commissioned a public dialogue aimed at building on the new economics foundation’s ‘Five Ways’. In particular, the dialogue aimed to deepen understanding of the extent to which people understand and feel able to make the kinds of changes in their lives that scientific evidence suggests would lead to increased wellbeing.
Dialogue events were held in six places across the UK (London, Guildford, Exeter, Hartlepool, Altrincham and Coventry) and involving 96 members of the public. In addition, eight in-depth interviews were conducted with members of the public in three locations (London, Manchester and Stoke on Trent). The dialogue was managed by the new economics foundation and delivered by Corr Willbourn. The process was independently evaluated by Laura Grant Associates.