
People, communities and climate technology |Public views on climate technologies and opportunities for future public dialogue

This report aims to outline what is known about public [...]

People, communities and climate technology |Public views on climate technologies and opportunities for future public dialogue 2023-04-26T10:19:41+00:00

How should society shape the future of life? Insights from a decade of Sciencewise public dialogues

How should we shape the future of life? Today, we [...]

How should society shape the future of life? Insights from a decade of Sciencewise public dialogues 2023-02-23T00:23:55+00:00

What do the public believe and want on UK science and tech? Reflections on 10 years of Sciencewise, and over 50 public dialogues.

Sciencewise has had a major impact on UK science and [...]

What do the public believe and want on UK science and tech? Reflections on 10 years of Sciencewise, and over 50 public dialogues. 2023-03-01T18:28:36+00:00