Project Description
How do we Ensure Digital Identity Services are Trustworthy?
Digital identity services give people a way to prove things about themselves,
such as their age, address or qualifications, without the need for physical
documents. Used well, they help make people’s lives easier by enabling
smoother, cheaper, and more secure online transactions.
However, before businesses and individuals will use these technologies,
they need to know they can be trusted.
In 2023, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, with the
support of Sciencewise, commissioned a public dialogue on trust in digital
identity services. The dialogue engaged members of the public in a
conversation about the shift to greater use of digital identities, what future
opportunities and problems this might present, and how certification,
governance, and other mechanisms could be used to ensure digital identity
services are trustworthy.
The dialogue was delivered by Hopkins Van Mil and engaged 103 public
participants, broadly reflective of the UK adult population, over six
workshops between May and June 2023. The process was evaluated by Navigator Consulting.
The dialogue informed DSIT’s work to set standards for digital identity
services in the form of the UK digital identity and attributes trust
framework, which includes rules on privacy and data protection, fraud
management, cyber and information security, and ensuring that products
and services are inclusive. The trust framework will be underpinned by
legislation and managed by a governing body to ensure it is kept up to date.
You can check out the full dialogue report on the website by following this link.
The appendices can also be found on the website here.